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This website is very up to date because it was recently updated in 2014. But it has alot of information to read through. It may be informative but it drags on alot. If you are a tourist and are in a rush this website wouldn't exactly be the best one for you. I would give this website a 5/10


The Three Sisters is the most spectacular rock formation in the Blue Mountains. It is only 2 hours from Sydney. It is located in the echo point of katoomba. They are over 1000 years old and tower more than 900 meters amoung the cliffs of the jasmine valley.


Things to do at the Three Sisters


The Three Sisters is a magnificant experience. Going on a bush walk on the Three Sisters footpath will make the experience even better. Going to the viewing platform will give you a panoramic view of the spectacular rock formation.

I think that this website is better then the one above because it doesnt have alot of boring information that no one would want to read through it has informative information about the Three Sisters. It is very helpful for tourists who dont know alot about the area. It is very practical and to the point and gives you the information that you need and want. This website is very up to date as it has been updated in 2014. The only problem about this website is that the whole thing isnt only about the three sisters it is more aboutt he area around it, the blue muntains. I would give this website a 8/10

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